Thanksgiving Blessing

Dear Beloveds. Today we give thanks; we show gratitude. For all that we have and all that we have experienced in our one wild and precious life. It is a time to pause. A time to reflect. A time to revisit and share precious family memories. A time to enjoy our feast symbolizing wealth, health and a heartiness for life.

I’m grateful for my family, including those 6,000 miles away. I’m grateful that your father left us his recipes so that he may still be a part of our day. I’m grateful for the unconditional love he was able to show each one of us in his final years. We will always be a family. Even death cannot steal that from us.

We hold in our heart all of those who by choice or by circumstance are not with us today to share in our celebration. They contributed to who we are today. They taught us. They loved us. They held us and helped us. They showed us the way. They served a purpose, one we may not fully understand. But one thing is certain — we are better for knowing them.

And finally, bless us. May we hold tightly to our inner light and shine it brightly onto others every day. Friends and strangers alike. But especially ourselves. A single smile or “hello” or “thank you” may lift another from despair. What better gift to give another than letting them know you see them, really see them, and acknowledge their humanity. Give and you shall receive. Cry and you shall be comforted. Love and you shall be loved. Forever.

Love Mom


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